Many commercial growers know about this pepper because of the jumbo sized fruit that sells quickly at the produce stand. However, home gardeners can now benefit from the productivity, large size, thick walls, and great taste. It has resistance to TMV as well. 75 days
A mix of three easy to grow kale varieties, offering beautiful contrasting colors, and flavors. Experience the deliciousness of this blend from baby leaf, to bunching size. Blanched, braised, or fresh in salads, you can’t go wrong. 55 to 65 days.
A family heirloom of Kalman Lajvort, of Edison, New Jersey, with the seed originally coming from Europe. 8 ounce pink, oval shaped tomatoes have outstanding, rich, sweet flavor. Fruit is very meaty and can be used as a slicer as well as being almost like a large, juicy paste tomato. They are just delicious and produced in abundance until late in the season. Indeterminate. 85 days.
Better known as KBX, this is the potato-leaf version of Kellogg's Breakfast, which was propagated by Martha Hufford after she found them mixed in with her regular Kellogg's Breakfast plants. These bear the same large orange fruit with fabulous flavor and creamy delicate texture. Heirloom variety. Indeterminate. 80 days.
Lovely pale-orange color on 1 lb. beefsteak type fruit. Tomatoes have very good flavor and are quite meaty with few seeds. Juice has the same bright color as orange juice and is delicious. Heirloom variety. Indeterminate. 80 days.
Big, beautiful orange beefsteak with clear orange color and green shoulders. Fruit is about 5 inches in diameter and has a mild flavor. Medium productivity. Heirloom variety. Indeterminate. 90 days.
This round, red tomato from the University of Hawaii is tolerant to both nematodes and bacterial wilt, serious problems in tropical and sub-tropical climates. It is the only open-pollinated variety we know of that can boast of these traits. While it is well suited for the tropics, it is well adapted to more temperate areas also. Determinate. 78 days.
Sweet cubanelle peppers are 6 to 7 inches long and excellent for frying or eating fresh in salads. Light green, 3-lobed peppers are most often eaten in the green stage, but when they turn red, they become even sweeter and more nutritious. Vigorous plants are resistant to three races of bacterial spot. 70 days.
Very large, 4-lobed blocky bell pepper is hard to beat for its earliness and large size. Fruit becomes 4½ inches long and wide, and seems to set well even in heat. Plants provide good foliage cover and are resistant to two types of bacterial spot and three pepper viruses. 60 days green; 75 days red.
King George offers the promise of great things to come. The vigorous and productive plants produce an abundance of Royal Jumbo and Extra Large fruit. Fruits mature early as they change from green to red. It is hard to have both size and early maturity with other peppers, but you can have both with the King! In addition the King has added protection from bacterial leaf spot, plus a tolerance to Phytophthora blight. Strong plants benefit from staking. 72 days.
King of the North just got better. This improved variety is now 10 days earlier to mature. The three or four lobed fruit mature from green to red and have good flavor.
Large bell peppers reliably turn red even where the season is short or weather is cool. Strong, sturdy plants become loaded with big, blocky peppers that are delicious at both green and red stages. Despite the name “King of the North,” gardeners in all areas can succeed with this outstanding variety. 60 days.
Large bell peppers reliably turn red even where the season is short or weather is cool. Strong, sturdy plants become loaded with big, blocky peppers that are delicious at both green and red stages. Despite the name “King of the North,” gardeners in all areas can succeed with this outstanding variety. 70 days.