This is the first yellow jalapeno pepper developed, from the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. Fruit is a beautiful golden-yellow before turning orange then red, making for a beautiful show on the compact plants. Peppers are just as hot as regular jalapenos. 70 days.
Very compact, densely foliaged plants bear an abundance of bright yellow or red, thin-skinned hot peppers that are shaped like a tam o' shanter. Actually a type of squash pepper. Interesting shape and spicy taste make this pepper good to eat fresh, pickle, or use as a garnish. 95 days.
Very compact, densely foliaged plants bear an abundance of bright yellow or red, thin-skinned hot peppers that are shaped like a tam o' shanter. Actually a type of squash pepper. Interesting shape and spicy taste make this pepper good to eat fresh, pickle, or use as a garnish. 95 days.
This Russian heirloom variety is well loved for its unusual appearance and outstanding, rich flavor. Pear-shaped, blemish-free fruit weigh 4 to 6 ozs. and are beautiful deep mahogany-brown with green shoulders. Highly productive plants have potato-leaved foliage, which seems to contribute to excellent flavor. Recent research shows that green shoulders are also an indicator of superior flavor, so it's no wonder that this tomato is famous for its incredible taste. Indeterminate. 75 days.
It's back! This variety was made popular many years ago by a seed company that is no longer in business. Many gardeners still remember fondly this prolific variety with 4 to 6 inch long, tapered red fruits shaped like banana peppers. The tomatoes are very meaty and sweet with few seeds -- great for sauces, salsas, or even eating fresh. Color is a gorgeous bright red and yield is impressive. Indeterminate. 80 days.
Gardeners rate this variety as excellent, especially for its superior, very pleasant taste. Heavy yields of 8 oz. firm, meaty fruit that is generally free of cracks. Vines offer good foliage cover. Not recommended for canning as Jet Star is low in acid. Indeterminate. 72 days.
Short season gardeners especially will be happy for this variety that doesn't sacrifice size or flavor for early maturity. Tomatoes are at least 8 ozs. and often larger with really good, rich flavor. Yields are plentiful on vigorous plants that have lots of disease resistance, offering even those in the South a great new early tomato. Indeterminate. 64 days.
Although technically a frying pepper, this is one of the sweetest non-bell peppers you’ll ever taste. Bright red, 6 to 8 inch long peppers are only about 1 inch wide and taper from the shoulder to tip, with a curving, somewhat wrinkled appearance. They are great for adding to salads or cooking into stir-fries. 80 days.
Jolene is more than just a beautiful tomato with smooth shoulders and a pretty petite blossom scar. She offers large, 8-10 ounce fruit, that have excellent flavor, and beautiful deep red color. She also has a hidden strength - resistance to Fusarium Crown Rot, Verticillium wilt, and intermediate resistance to Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl virus. Trialing in a dozen states has proven the productivity potential of this new tomato, and particularly in the South Eastern US. Roadside farmers will appreciate the marketable yield potential. Determinate. 73 days.
ALL-AMERICA SELECTIONS WINNER. Abundant clusters of 1-1/2 ounce pink fruit that is delicious, juicy, and sweet. Somewhat 'peach' or oval shaped with a distinctive tip on the blossom end, this is from the breeding program that developed Santa and Juliet Hybrids. This one is also a prolific bearer, typically offering 10 to 14 tomatoes per cluster, perfect as sweet additions to salads or great just for snacking out of hand. Indeterminate. 70 to 75 days.
Plentiful harvests of bright golden-orange, large round fruit. Delicious taste and solid, smooth substance. Adds bright color to salads. This tomato's good looks and good taste make it a favorite with market gardeners. Indeterminate. 80 days.