Winter 2025 Seasonal Sale

39 results
Celebrity VFFNTA Hybrid Tomato

A 1984 ALL-AMERICA SELECTIONS WINNER. Absolutely incredible set of exceptionally flavorful, firm 8 to 12 oz. fruit on strong vines with good cover and outstanding disease resistance. Large clusters of consistently large, beautiful tomatoes. Determinate. 70 days.


From $3.95 for Pack (20 seeds) $25.95
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Bella Rosa VFFNA Hybrid Tomato

This is not only a beautiful red tomato with a melodious name, it is a really serious performer. It is both heat tolerant and resistant to tomato spotted wilt virus, two very important benefits for many growers. In one Louisiana trial of virus resistant tomatoes, Bella Rosa ranked up at the top for its productivity as well as its large fruit size and great flavor. Expect high yields of large, 10 to 12 oz. delicious tomatoes with bright red flesh. Determinate. 75 days.

From $3.99 for Pack (15 seeds) $12.25
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Better Belle II Hybrid Pepper

It’s hard to imagine a bell pepper much finer than Better Belle, but this improved version offers wider adaptability and even better production than the original. Thick-walled, 4-lobed peppers are 4 inches tall and 5 inches wide, and start out green but mature to a bright, shiny red. Vigorous plants are Tobacco Mosaic Virus resistant. We love this variety for its top-quality fruit and dependably high yields. 75 days.

From $4.85 for Pack (20 seeds) $12.95
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Grape Tomato

Long, grape-like clusters of brilliant red elongated cherry tomatoes have earned this variety its name. Very sweet, complex flavor is delicious and has made these tomatoes a favorite of people everywhere. In fact, pints of these have become a popular supermarket item. Vigorous vines are very productive, but none of these delectable little morsels will go to waste. Their taste is addictive! Crack-resistant and tolerant to heat and a number of tomato diseases. Indeterminate. 60 days.

From $4.25 for Pack (20 seeds) $19.95
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Early Prince Hybrid Cucumber

This commercial cucumber was developed for early maturity, strong disease resistance, and high yield potential. The 7 to 8 inch dark green fruit are smooth and attractive for roadside markets. Resistance includes anthracnose, scab, and cucumber mosaic virus. The vigorous plants offer multiple picks, and the gynoecious fruiting quality offers greater yield potential because of the increased percentage of female flowers. 52 days.

From $3.55 for Packet (15 seeds) $13.95
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Margherita VF Hybrid Tomato

This tomato was named after Pizza Margherita, the classic summertime pie topped with mozzarella, tomato and fresh basil. The good news is these elongated 5 to 6 oz. paste tomatoes are also great for many other dishes. Roasting brings out their best flavor, and deep red color and thin skin make them perfect for tossing into pasta or sandwiches. Vigorous plants yield large harvests. Determinate. 72 days.

From $3.75 for Pack (20 seeds) $17.95
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Spineless Beauty Hybrid Squash

Some zucchini varieties have spines that scratch your arms as you try to harvest the fruit. Not Spineless Beauty. Picking will be a breeze, and yields are impressive. The vigorous vines and proven adaptation will help you have the success that so many gardeners have enjoyed when growing Spineless Beauty. The dark green fruit are best harvested before they reach 8 ½ inches in length. 44 days

From $4.55 for Pack (15 seeds) $14.50
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Yaqui VFFNA Hybrid Tomato

This impressive tomato variety features an extremely vigorous, compact plant that sets a tremendous amount of blocky plum tomatoes. Extra-large fruit is perfect for canning or for cooking into delicious sauce or paste. While we've grown a lot of paste tomatoes, this one stands out for both the quality and quantity of its fruit. You just won't believe how hard this little tomato plant works. Widely adaptable plants will grow just about anywhere. Determinate. 75 days.

From $3.65 for Pack (20 seeds) $14.95
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Patio F Hybrid Tomato

This dwarf variety is one of America's most popular varieties ever for growing on patios, decks, courtyards, or wherever garden space is limited. Plants have attractive, deep green foliage and only become about 2 ft. tall, but produce large harvests of bright red, 3 to 4 oz. flavorful tomatoes. Outstanding for growing in containers -- one that measures at least 12 inches wide works best. Determinate. 70 days.

From $4.45 for Pack (20 seeds) $23.95
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Sweet Gwyndolin Hybrid Cucumber

According to historical records, the Romans were the first to grow cucumbers in greenhouses. The goal was to provide cucumbers for Emperor Tiberius throughout the year on the Isle of Capri. In time those long cucumbers were grown throughout Europe. The fruits reach up to 14 inches in length, and are sweet and crisp. They are also completely bitter free and burpless. As with any large cucumber, you will want to trellis them if you want them to be straight. 68 days.

From $4.25 for Pack (20 seeds) $12.95
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Simpson Elite Lettuce

This is one of the greatest improvements in Simpson lettuce in the last 30 years. It has the same tasty leaves, light green in color, and delicate sweet flavor as Black Seeded Simpson. But now it gives you an extra 30 to 40 days to harvest due to the bolting resistant nature of this selection. Going away on vacation for two weeks? Don't worry about it. Simpson Elite will be waiting for you when you return, and it won't be bitter that you took a little break. 42 days.

From $3.45 for Pack (500 seeds) $11.99
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Sweet Bella Hybrid Pepper

This blocky bell pepper offers more than just good taste and large size fruit. It resists 5 races of bacterial leaf spot, phytopthora blight, tobamo virus, and has great yield potential. The 4 to 4 ½ inch fruit ripen from green to red with thick walls. 73 days.

From $4.45 for Pack (20 seeds) $15.95
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39 results