Small-Fruited Tomato Seeds
Deep pink is the background color for orange striping, making for a gorgeous color combination on these 2-inch long and 1-inch wide tomatoes. Their flavor is outstanding, a great balance of sugar to acid, with plenty of richness added in. Imagine what the appearance and flavor of these beautiful fruits can add to an everyday green salad or other kitchen creation of your making. Indeterminate. 70 days.
Delightful little cherry tomatoes are creamy ivory with hints of yellow and an absolutely unforgettable taste. The flavor is not only sweet but is also marked by a fruity complexity. They are so irresistible that you won't want to stop eating them at harvest time. Plants are large and quite prolific, bearing long clusters of these 1/2-inch delicious little treats. Heirloom variety originally from Mexico. Indeterminate. 65 days.
With origins in England, this bright red cherry tomato has gained popularity quickly because of its amazing taste and a 13.5 Brix (sugar measurement) rating that is exceptionally high. Even so, the flavor is well balanced with acid, so that fruit has a refreshingly tangy taste. Vigorous plants become completely loaded with bite-sized, 1/2 oz. tomatoes that will certainly be favorites for adding to salads or eating outdoors right off the vine. Indeterminate. 80 days.
Developed by a Texas seedsman. Pink fruited variety produces well in high temperatures. Egg-shaped fruit weighs about 1 oz. and has delicious taste for canning, juice or fresh eating. Indeterminate. 78 days.
This lovely variety was the very first one Artisan Seeds released, and its flavor is still highly rated. A beautiful light-pink and yellow-mottled tomato, named after the pink jersey worn by the lead rider in the Tour of Italy. Very productive plants, short enough to be grown in containers. The small tomatoes have wonderful flavor, sweet but balanced with acid, and lots of rich tomato taste. Pick these fruit while they are still light pink. Indeterminate. 55 days.
Delightful little tomatoes are about 2 inches long and shaped like elongated grapes. They start out clear yellow, but later blush with pink streaks, announcing they are ripe and ready to pick. Expect heavy production throughout the season and a fabulous flavor that is sweet, fruity and refreshing. Fred Hempel of Baia Nicchia Farm in California developed this truly unique variety. Indeterminate. 75 days.
This small fruited variety, also known as Sugar Lump, rates high with gardeners for its big yields of sugar sweet tomatoes. Crack-resistant fruit is 3/4 to 1-1/2 inches across and arranged in clusters of 6 to 12. Indeterminate. 65 days.
This unique little tomato is a plum-shaped version of Green Zebra and was found as a naturally occurring variant. It has the same beautiful chartreuse green background and bright yellow streaks as Green Zebra, but offers a sweeter taste. The variety was originally named "Michael Pollan." Indeterminate. 75 days.
Originally from Siberia, this very sweet golden-yellow cherry tomato is about the size of a quarter and produced in clusters. The flavor is not just sweet, but has a special depth of rich flavor. Once you try Galina's, you may find it becoming your favorite yellow cherry tomato. Potato-leaved plants yield heavily for a plentiful harvest. Indeterminate. 75 days.
These beautiful yellow cherry tomatoes taste sweet and citrusy, but not acidic. Great for fresh eating or for salads. The 1 inch fruit weight about an ounce with some cracking tolerance. This variety tends to keep producing even in the heat. The 4 to 5 foot plants are indeterminate. 70 days.
Round to slightly elongated-shaped cherry tomato is bright red and prolific with excellent flavor and plenty of juice. This variety practically grows itself, resisting most diseases and setting loads of fruit. Great for salads and can even be used for juice. Australian Heirloom. Indeterminate. 70 days.