Small-Fruited Tomato Seeds

81 results
Golden Gem Hybrid Tomato

Stunning golden color and a sugar content of 10% are what make this hybrid from Taiwan outstanding. Small cherry tomatoes are round to globe-shaped and crack-resistant, an important trait for cherry tomatoes. Fruit appears on tall plants capable of producing enormous harvests with up to 50 fruit per cluster. These tomatoes have a very special taste that is sweet, yet rich and fruity. Indeterminate. 65 days.

$5.15 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Sweet 100 Hybrid Tomato

Huge, multiple-branched clusters of 1/2 inch very sweet fruit with high vitamin C content. Mouth-watering flavor. Vigorous vines bear abundantly until frost and need staking for best results. Indeterminate. 65 days.

From $3.45 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Jolly Hybrid

ALL-AMERICA SELECTIONS WINNER. Abundant clusters of 1-1/2 ounce pink fruit that is delicious, juicy, and sweet. Somewhat 'peach' or oval shaped with a distinctive tip on the blossom end, this is from the breeding program that developed Santa and Juliet Hybrids. This one is also a prolific bearer, typically offering 10 to 14 tomatoes per cluster, perfect as sweet additions to salads or great just for snacking out of hand. Indeterminate. 70 to 75 days.

From $4.95 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Indigo Gold Berries Tomato

Yellow-gold cherry tomatoes start out as amethyst purple before they ripen to a glowing golden with a hint of purple remaining at their tops. They have a delicious sweet yet acid flavor and are visually stunning. This variety started out as a selection out of Indigo Blue Berries, and was bred by Brad Gates. Indeterminate. 75 days.

$3.55 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Red Cherry Large Tomato

Produces one ounce cherry size fruit with excellent flavor. Great for salads or snacks. Fruit grow in clusters on vigorous indeterminate vines. Stake for best results. 75 days.

From $2.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Tiny Tim Tomato

Just perfect for container growing or smaller gardens. Plants grow no more than 18 inches tall and can be grown in a 6-inch pot. Round, bright red cherry tomatoes are about 3/4 inch in diameter. Determinate. 60 days.

$3.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Sweet Treats FFT Hybrid Tomato

Large-fruited cherry tomato is deep pink with amazingly good rich, sweet flavor and crisp texture. Highly productive plants grow long clusters of tomatoes that are crack resistant yet still very juicy. Great disease resistance and beautiful pink color that is hard to find in cherry tomatoes make this variety a very special newcomer. Indeterminate. 70 days.

From $5.95 for Pack (10 seeds)
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Cherry Princess Sweetie Hybrid Tomato
You will love these delicious red cherry treats, not just because they taste so yummy, but also because this variety is early and has tremendous yield potential. The ¼ ounce fruit are bite-size, and it is hard not to eat them right off the vine. Indeterminate 57 days.
From $2.95 for Pack (20 seeds) $14.95
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Indigo Cherry Drops Tomato

Excellent sweet flavor and incredibly large yields are the hallmarks of this delightful cherry tomato bred by Dr. Jim Myers at Oregon State University. As part of the Indigo series, these one-inch fruits are purple/black due to high anthocyanin levels, with rosy undersides and deep red flesh. Indeterminate. 65 days.

$3.55 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Yellow Currant Tomato

A special South American species of tomato that bears long, grape-like clusters of tiny 1/3 inch yellow cherry tomatoes. They are sweet, yet have an intense tomato flavor. These tiny tomatoes have become favorites for salads, garnishes or just eating straight off the vine. Indeterminate. 70 days.

$3.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Red Pear Tomato

Miniature pear-shaped tomatoes are 1-3/4 to 2 inches long and bright red. Flavorful and sweet, they are great for salads and as a companion to 'Yellow Pear'. Indeterminate. 78 days.

From $3.35 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Cuban Yellow Grape Tomato

A profusion of tiny oval-shaped yellow grape tomatoes are produced on tall, vigorous plants. They are delightfully sweet but refreshing and sure to be a favorite with kids and adults who like to snack right in the garden. Expect long clusters of fruit that can be picked individually with very little cracking. Indeterminate. 90 days.

$3.15 for Pack (20 seeds)
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81 results