This is a breakthrough new variety of large round red tomatoes developed at the University of Florida by Dr. Jay Scott. It is notable for its potential as a commercial tomato bred especially for vine-ripe harvest and great flavor. This also suits it well to home gardens and to production for fruit stands and farmers' markets. Tomatoes have just the right balance of sugar and acid plus high levels of health-promoting lycopene and rich red color inside and out. Firm texture and juicy flesh make it wonderful for slices, salads, or chopping into salsas or sauces. Determinate. 75 days.
Intermediate day onions like Cabernet can grow in latitudes from 35 to 45 degrees and provide medium to large size bulbs. They offer earlier harvest than long day onions. Direct seed early spring when soil is workable, or transplanted in late February to March in short season areas, the bulbs reach up to 8 ounces and can store for up to 4 months. Perfect for burgers, salads, or soups. 93 days.
This compact plant becomes loaded with long trusses of perfectly round, smooth beautiful clear pink tomatoes. The flavor is very good, sweet yet tangy, making this a wonderful addition to an early harvest. Heirloom variety of Russian origin. Determinate. 58 days.
This pepper is big, with thick flesh - 4.5 x 1 inch. Pungency is 2000 to 5000 scoville units and perfect for poppers, stuffed with cheese and fresh cilantro. They tend to set fruit for an extended period. Resistant to PVY and TMV. 70 to 75 days.
The large tender leaves have an anise flavor when fresh and a cinnamon scent after cooking. The pungent aroma is perfect for soup, stir-fry and green and red curries. This flavor is popular in many Asian chicken, pork, and seafood dishes. 64 days
Both a home garden favorite and a commercially preferred cantaloupe for those who pick and ship fruit. The thick netting, and a strong rind provides good shelf life. The 5 to 6 pound fruit are delicious and aromatic with beautiful bright orange flesh. Disease resistance to fusarium (0-2) and powdery mildew, gives Athena an ability to perform well in many environments. Harvest when the melon easily slips from the vine with a light pull. 75 days.
This is an outstanding bell pepper variety that produces a concentrated set even in cool weather. Extra-large, blocky thick-walled peppers are four-lobed, about 4½ inches long and wide, with firm flesh turning from green to brilliant red. Resistant to phytophthora, 4 races of bacterial leaf spot, and cucumber mosaic virus. 72 days.
Prized by chefs and gardeners alike for its creamy, mild flesh and lovely appearance, this is an Italian heirloom eggplant. Round-to-teardrop-shaped fruit is white with soft lavender streaks outside, and inside flesh is white and sweet with no trace of bitterness. 75 days.
Tiny cherry tomatoes, only about 1/2-inch in diameter, are packed with an amazingly large tomato flavor. When you bite into these delightful morsels, they literally burst with intense, rich tomato flavor, perfectly balanced with sweetness. It is quite a wonderful taste sensation. Bright, deep red fruit load up on long trusses and are just right for snacking or tossing into salads. Originally from Mexico, where these tomatoes grow wild. Indeterminate. 60 days.
Big and beautiful golden yellow fruit that are 8 to 12 ounces, and have cracking tolerance. Low in acid. Resistant to VFF and grey wall. Determinate plants benefit from staking. 73 days.
A Japanese type with good flavor and attractive 7 ounce fruit that reach 8 to 10 inches in length. Plants are vigorous and normally do well in the heat. Perfect for stir fry, grilling, or veggie Thai curry. Never bitter. 55 days.
This jalapeno has less pungency than most jalapenos. 1000 to 1500 Scovilles when not under stress. Most jalapenos have 3000 to 6000 scoville units. The 3 “ fruits are shiny and dark green, and early to mature. Tam jalapeno also has disease resistance thanks to Texas A&M university breeding. Enjoy the jalapeno flavor without as much heat. 70 days.