ALL-AMERICA SELECTIONS WINNER. Elongated cherry tomatoes grow in grape-like clusters and really load up on vigorous vines. The 1 ounce fruit has red, glossy skin and wonderful sweet flavor. As a bonus, the fruit is crack-resistant and holds on the vine better than most cherries. Expect high yields from plants that are tolerant to late blight and leaf spot. This variety is considered to be a 'big sister' variety of Santa. Indeterminate. 60 days.
This heirloom variety is simply one of the best tasting, best producing gold-red bicolors we have ever grown. On top of that, the tomatoes are stunningly beautiful and enormous, weighing at least 1 pound each. Golden yellow beefsteaks are colored with red stripes that turn into a ruby blush on top of the golden fruit. Flavor is sweet and rich, and harvests are abundant. Indeterminate. 80 days.
Wow. These smooth, giant, meaty peppers grow up to 5 inches in length. Fruit are meaty with medium heat. Great for stuffing or grilling or salsa. Plants reach 18 to 24 inches. 70 days.
This is widely known as the original Pink Brandywine strain, obtained by Ben Quisenberry from Dorris Sudduth Hill, whose family had grown it for more than 80 years. Many gardeners consider this strain the best Brandywine with fruit that is superior in taste and smoothness. Its tomatoes are indeed special, 1 to 2 pound pink beefsteaks with the delectably complex, rich, sweet flavor that has made Brandywine justifiably famous. Indeterminate. 85 days.
This is not only a beautiful red tomato with a melodious name, it is a really serious performer. It is both heat tolerant and resistant to tomato spotted wilt virus, two very important benefits for many growers. In one Louisiana trial of virus resistant tomatoes, Bella Rosa ranked up at the top for its productivity as well as its large fruit size and great flavor. Expect high yields of large, 10 to 12 oz. delicious tomatoes with bright red flesh. Determinate. 75 days.
This is a home gardener favorite that has more disease resistance than Sweet 100 while keeping the same fabulous taste. Small round 1 oz. cherry tomatoes are deliciously sweet with a high Vitamin C content. Long clusters of fruit load up on tall, vigorous plants and continue to bear until frost. Indeterminate. 65 days.
Compact plants produce loads of zucchini fruit that are dark green and finely speckled. With intermediate resistance to powdery mildew, zucchini yellow mosaic virus, papaya ringspot virus, and watermelon mosaic virus, Dunja becomes your garden Ninja, fighting against disease pressure that quickly kills other squash. Don't go without your garden Ninja. Plant Dunja! 47 days.
Awarded for its earliness, yield, size and flavor, this is one of the biggest Italian-type sweet peppers you’ll find anywhere. Peppers turn from green to red, and at 8 inches long with a lobed tip, they resemble a cross between a Marconi and a Lamuyo-type pepper. They are sweetest when red and are good for salads, but really are outstanding when grilled or roasted. 63 days.
This hybrid Sweet Banana type lives up to its name in that it puts out an incredible harvest of huge peppers that measure nearly a foot long. Peppers are typically 9 to 10 inches long and 2 inches across, and turn from light yellow to orange and finally red. Sweet flavor for eating fresh or cooked. 65 days.
ALL AMERICA SELECTIONS AWARD WINNER. This crack-resistant hybrid originated with the heirloom Amana Orange and retains that wonderful old-fashioned flavor while adding some improvements. The hybrid has 9 to 12 oz. tomatoes that mature much earlier than Amana Orange and do not crack. The color both inside and out is a beautiful glowing orange that holds its intensity even when tomatoes are cooked, lending itself to creative uses by chefs. Vigorous plants are quite productive and are resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus and anthracnose. Indeterminate. 75 days.
Very large plants have an excellent set of huge, dark pink fruits with outstanding taste. It is unusual to find a variety that bears such large fruit in generous numbers and maintains such superb taste. And to add to that, you can expect steady, continuous production of tomatoes that weigh more than 1 lb. throughout the growing season. This family heirloom was brought into the U.S. by a Mexican family living in the Midwest. Indeterminate. 80 days.
Another winning variety from the Heirloom Marriage(TM) series that crosses two heirloom varieties to create an offspring that is higher yielding and earlier but retains all the great flavor of the parents. This robust deep purple beefsteak is a cross of Cherokee Purple and Carbon, both of which are famous for their unique and delicious flavors. Expect 10 to 12 oz. unblemished tomatoes with exquisite taste. Indeterminate. 75 days.