
806 results
Early First Prize Hybrid Tomato

Taste the great flavor you have come to appreciate in First Prize, but expect a much earlier harvest. The "first early" fruit reach 4 to 7 ounces, and the indeterminate vines are productive over a long season. A good disease resistance package and plentiful harvests make this your choice for early maturity. Stake plants for best results. 56 days

$3.45 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Early Girl Plus Hybrid Tomato

The Early Girl Plus hybrid tomato is the latest improvement in this extremely popular variety. It is very close to the original but now has Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus resistance. Many regions of the country are having trouble with TSWV, and this new Early Girl is ready to protect your harvest. Indeterminate. 60 days.

From $4.25 for Packet (15 seeds)
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Early Girl VFF Hybrid Tomato

Comes in first as an early slicing tomato and our customers' favorite early variety. Dependable large harvests of flavorful, solid 4 to 6 oz. fruit. Disease resistance is good, contributing to its excellent performance in almost any climate. A proven variety for delicious, early tomatoes. Indeterminate. 52 days.

From $3.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Early Jalapeno Pepper

Early maturity is the hallmark of this jalapeno. The 3 inch fruit are 1 ½ inches wide, and have plenty of pungency. Great for fresh salsa, or in cooking. 67 days.

From $3.35 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Early Prince Hybrid Cucumber

This commercial cucumber was developed for early maturity, strong disease resistance, and high yield potential. The 7 to 8 inch dark green fruit are smooth and attractive for roadside markets. Resistance includes anthracnose, scab, and cucumber mosaic virus. The vigorous plants offer multiple picks, and the gynoecious fruiting quality offers greater yield potential because of the increased percentage of female flowers. 52 days.

From $3.55 for Packet (15 seeds) $13.95
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Early Prolific Straight Neck Squash

This straight lemon-yellow squash won the AAS award in 1938. It is still going strong and is widely popular. Fruit reach up to 10 inches in length, but it is best to harvest at 7 inches or less for best quality. 56 days.

$2.69 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Early Summer Crookneck Squash

The productive semi-open plant produces smooth light-yellow fruits with curved neck, maturing to yellow with creamy white flesh. Pick fruits at 5 to 6 inches for best flavor.  49 days.

$3.19 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Early Summer Hybrid Pepper -- Treated Seed

Extra-large blocky bell peppers mature from green to bright yellow on sturdy plants that are highly productive. Thick-walled peppers are 4 to 5 inches long and nearly as wide. They are heavy and quite meaty, perfect for adding bright color and sweetness to salads and stir-fries, or try them roasted and charred on the grill. Plants are resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus. 70 days.

From $3.85 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Early Sunsation Hybrid Pepper

Big, blocky bell peppers are a mature green in 70 days, then turn to a beautiful golden-yellow in just two more weeks. The peppers are about 4½ inches long and wide, and are smooth and consistently well shaped. As a bonus, plants are tolerant to most pepper viruses and 3 races of bacterial spot. Extra sweet when fully yellow.

From $4.35 for Pack (15 seeds)
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Early Wonder Tomato

This extra-early maturing, compact variety makes an impressive crop of round, dark pink tomatoes with an average weight of 6 ounces. They have excellent, full tomato flavor, and earn their name since it is a wonder when an early variety tastes this good. Perfect for gardeners in short-season areas. Determinate. 55 days.

From $3.55 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Egg Yolk Tomato

These beautiful yellow cherry tomatoes taste sweet and citrusy, but not acidic. Great for fresh eating or for salads. The 1 inch fruit weight about an ounce with some cracking tolerance. This variety tends to keep producing even in the heat. The 4 to 5 foot plants are indeterminate. 70 days.

From $3.25 for Packet (20 seeds)
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Elfin Tomato

This open-pollinated version of Grape Tomato has the same wonderful sweet flavor, size, and shape as the original Grape, but has the advantage of shorter plants. Elfin's clusters of delicious, uniquely-flavored grape-shaped cherry tomatoes have a sweetness that is unmistakably 'grape.' Determinate. 60 days.

From $3.95 for Pack (20 seeds)
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806 results