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Tomato Growers' flagship collection of 380+ tomato varieties of all shapes, colors, and sizes.  There's a tomato fit for any garden from greenhouses, patios, outdoor beds, and even windowsills!

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406 results
Evergreen (Emerald Evergreen) Tomato

This is one of the best tomatoes we know of that's green when ripe. Mild, delicious flavor and medium to large size make these solid beefsteak fruit good for slicing and very enjoyable to eat. Indeterminate. 72 days.

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Sandul Moldovan Tomato

This variety sets an abundance of 1 lb., slightly flattened round fruits of the typical beefsteak size and shape. What makes this tomato special is its flavor--exceptionally good with a high sugar, high acid balance. Heirloom variety from the Moldovan region of Europe. Indeterminate. 85 days.

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Pink Ponderosa Tomato

A longtime favorite variety with pink fruit up to a whopping 2 lbs. Firm and meaty, low in acid. To prevent sunscald, grow the large, vigorous vines in wire cages. Indeterminate. 80 days.

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Destiny Hybrid Tomato

This commercially bred variety is perfect for salsa, pico de gallo, canning, and fried green tomatoes. Plants are hardy with good leaf cover, and resist Yellow Leaf Curl virus. 7 to 9 ounce fruit. Large determinate. 73 days.

From $3.25 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Marglobe F Tomato

Reliably large harvests of beautiful scarlet tomatoes with thick walls and medium size. Vines are strong and offer heavy foliage cover. Well adapted to most areas. Determinate. 72 days.

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Marmande VF Tomato

Classic French garden tomato that bears well even in cool weather. Abundant crops of beefsteak-shaped large 8 oz. scarlet fruit with delicious flavor and firm, meaty flesh. Semi-determinate. 67 days.

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Bulgarian Triumph Tomato

These 2 to 4 oz. bright red tomatoes grow in clusters and are so smooth and round that they resemble a modern, supermarket cluster-type tomato. The comparison stops with the appearance, however, as this is a Bulgarian heirloom variety with intensely sweet and delicious flavor. Plants are vigorous and productive, yielding plenty of these delightful, juicy tomatoes throughout a long season. Indeterminate. 80 days.

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Red Plum Tomato

Large harvests of small plum shaped fruit, perfect for salads. Indeterminate. 78 days.

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Coustralee Tomato

This full flavored heirloom variety from France produces large red beefsteaks with ribbed shoulders. Fruit is typically about 4 inches across, quite meaty, and smoothly textured. Very large crops of big, beautiful tomatoes. Indeterminate. 82 days.

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Banana Legs Tomato

Banana Legs tomatoes are low in acid and have a meaty texture. A great tomato for making sauces or cut up for salads. Fruit are up to 4 inches long and 1 ½ inches in diameter. As fruit mature to a bright yellow color, they occasionally appear to have light colored stripes similar to the Speckled Roman tomato. Compact determinate. 75 days.

From $3.25 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Boondocks Tomato

Luscious pink-purple beefsteak fruit grow to at least 1 lb., and have a superb, rich flavor, high in both sugar and acid. The tomatoes are smooth in shape and may be compared to those of Brandywine. Potato-leaved plants become large and are quite productive. Indeterminate. 80 days.

$3.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Kewalo Tomato

This round, red tomato from the University of Hawaii is tolerant to both nematodes and bacterial wilt, serious problems in tropical and sub-tropical climates. It is the only open-pollinated variety we know of that can boast of these traits. While it is well suited for the tropics, it is well adapted to more temperate areas also. Determinate. 78 days.

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406 results