Rather than call it Better Boy II, seed developers have decided to call it Better Boy Plus, because it is the same Better Boy with added features that will make it stronger and better than it was before. One new improvement is resistance to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV), which is increasingly important to gardeners throughout the United States and Canada.
TSWV is spread by tiny insects called thrips, which fly all around the country with their tiny wings and dreadful sucking mouth parts. They carry a sinister virus that can wreak devastation on your tomato plants. And they are doing so in greater numbers each year!
Because insecticides are largely ineffective, your simple solution is to plant Better Boy PLUS. But wait, you also receive new disease protection from Fusarium Crown and Root Rot, plus Tobacco Mosaic Virus. In addition, you will have improved flavor and sweetness that will almost make you do a handstand when you first try one. Keep in mind, all the previous resistances are still in place ASC, N, St, and V. So you hit the jackpot with your purchase of new Better Boy Plus! Indeterminate. 75 days.
This commercially bred variety is perfect for salsa, pico de gallo, canning, and fried green tomatoes. Plants are hardy with good leaf cover, and resist Yellow Leaf Curl virus. 7 to 9 ounce fruit. Large determinate. 73 days.
Empire VFFNT tastes and looks a lot like Celebrity, but it has a larger plant that provides excellent cover for fruit. A great farmers market tomato. Determinate. 70 days.
Lady Sophia is destined to be queen of the pink tomato, once you have discovered the old fashioned flavor of its sweet and luscious flesh that people love. 10 to 12-ounce fruit are produced on large indeterminate plants. 79 days.
A young plant breeder named Jason Cavatorta started his own research company, motivated by his passion for delicious food. He wanted to make a better-tasting tomato, and his efforts won the prestigious All-America Award in his first attempt. Judges called the Galahad tomato delicious, juicy, and meaty, with large 8 to 12-ounce, crack-tolerant fruit. The strong 4-foot plant boasts excellent productivity and holding ability and is packed with disease resistances including V, F1, F2, F3, Nematodes, Gray leaf spot, Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus, and Late Blight. Early maturity is a plus. Determinate. 73 days.