Mid-season Tomato Seeds

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Mid-season tomatoes are ready 70 to 80 days after transplant for a mid-summer harvest.

77 results
Marmara VFT Hybrid Tomato

This is a modern version of the marmande tomato, a type grown in Southern France and well known for its ribbed shape and delicious taste. Marmara offers 5 to 6-oz. tomatoes with a scalloped exterior, intense red color, and wonderful sweet flavor. This tomato is especially beautiful when sliced. Indeterminate. 75 days.

$3.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Buffalo Steak VFNT Hybrid Tomato

This great new garden tomato provides the winning combination of large, prolonged harvests and flavorful, deep red tomatoes with a classic beefsteak shape. 6 to 7 oz. tomatoes are meaty with few seeds and have a wonderful silky texture and old-fashioned tomato taste. Vigorous plants start producing early and continue throughout a long growing season. Indeterminate. 75 days.

From $4.55 for Pack (10 seeds)
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Trust VFFT Hybrid Tomato

This variety has earned its reputation as one of the best greenhouse varieties in America. That is due to its heavy crops of large 8 to 10 oz. tomatoes that ripen to a uniform bright red. Firm fruits hold up well after harvest and plants are highly disease resistant, including protection against leaf molds. Indeterminate. 78 days.

From $16.95 for Pack (15 seeds)
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Phoenix VFFA Hybrid Tomato

Heat-resistant variety bears large 8 oz., top-quality tomatoes that ripen uniformly to bright red. Excellent disease resistance and vigorous plants ensure a large harvest even when weather is very warm. This is a proven top-performer in the South and other growing areas with high temperatures during the growing season. Determinate. 72 days.

$5.45 for Pack (15 seeds)
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Mountain Merit VFFFN Hybrid Tomato

ALL AMERICA SELECTIONS WINNER. The first full-sized tomato variety offering resistance to early blight, late blight and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus plus other resistances for a powerful disease package. Deep red, 8 to 12 oz. fruit is quite flavorful and great for slicing and sandwiches as well as canning for later. Productive plants put on an excellent crop with a harvest time that lasts 4 to 5 weeks. Determinate. 75 days.

From $4.95 for Pack (15 seeds)
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Bush Champion II VFFA Hybrid Tomato

This special variety was developed to honor the occasion of Ball Seed Company's 100th year anniversary. While the compact plants grow only 24 inches tall, they yield plenty of big, meaty tomatoes that weigh in at 8 to 12 ounces. Their flavor is excellent, and the plants thrive in almost any type of climate. Determinate. 70 days.

From $4.55 for Pack (10 seeds)
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Big Brandy Hybrid Tomato

This terrific heirloom-hybrid is a result of crossing Brandywine with New Big Dwarf. The hybrid is much higher yielding and earlier to mature than its heirloom parents, with all of the great flavor and fewer blemishes. Regular-leaved plants bear pink beefsteaks that weigh 12 to 16 ozs. and have all the wonderful taste of the original heirlooms. Indeterminate. 75 days.

From $3.99 for Pack (15 seeds)
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Cobra VFT Hybrid Tomato

A premier greenhouse tomato. Very productive plants bear 8 oz. uniformly red fruit that is resistant to splitting and perfect in appearance. Excellent flavor causes many growers to consider this the best tasting of the greenhouse-grown hybrids. Can be grown as a cluster tomato with 6 to 8 tomatoes per cluster. Indeterminate. 70 days.

$14.95 for Pack (10 seeds)
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Genuwine Hybrid Tomato

Crossing two different heirlooms creates a variety that is much higher yielding and earlier maturing, while retaining great flavor and fewer blemishes. Such is the case with this cross between Brandywine and Costoluto Genovese. Brandywine is legendary for sweet, rich taste while Costoluto Genovese has beautiful scallops, great production, and ability to set fruit in hot weather. Genuwine plants are regular-leaved and produce delicious 10 to 12 oz. fruits that have some of the ribbing of the Costoluto Genovese but with the larger size and fuller shape of a Brandywine. Indeterminate  70 days.

From $3.99 for Pack (15 seeds)
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Carmello VFNT Hybrid Tomato

A classic French slicing tomato, this one is making a comeback after being absent from our inventory for many years. It has a deservedly great reputation both in America and Europe, due to its wonderful flavor, perfect sugar/acid balance, and crack-resistant skin. Bright red juicy tomatoes are 10 to 12 ozs. with a beautiful round shape. Expect very high yields on disease-resistant plants. Indeterminate. 75 days.

From $4.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Celebrity Plus VFFNTA Hybrid Tomato

A new Celebrity tomato is now available with added resistance to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus. If your garden has experienced this disease, you are well aware of the dramatic impact it has on Celebrity.

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) is an increasing threat to gardeners throughout the United States and Canada. It is spread by tiny insects called thrips, which are hard to control. If you like Celebrity, but hate the damage from TSWV, then your solution is Celebrity Plus tomato.

You get the same great tasting 8 ounce tomatoes, and plenty of yield with wide adaptability. The total disease resistance package for Celebrity Plus is Tobacco Mosaic Virus 0-2, Alternaria stem canker, Fusarium 0-1, Stemphylium, Verticillium Wilt, Root Knot Nematode, plus Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus. What a great new combination! Strong Determinate. 70 days.

From $4.25 for Packet (15 seeds)
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Big Beef Plus Hybrid Tomato

While it might seem impossible to improve Big Beef, in fact, it just got better. A new selection of Big Beef is available—Big Beef Plus. Big Beef was already a favorite, and one of the world’s most popular indeterminate beefsteak tomatoes.

The original Big Beef already has resistance to TMV, Asc, F 0-1, St, V1 and N (nematodes). The new Big Beef Plus is supercharged with all the original resistances, plus added resistance to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV), Tomato torrado virus, and Fusarium Crown and Root Rot. In certain parts of the US where TSWV is common, home gardeners are not able to successfully grow the original Big Beef. But, they can now grow Big Beef Plus.

We are also pleased to learn that the Big Beef Plus has a deeper red color which indicates increased lycopene levels, a potent anti-oxidant. And remember, all of the original great flavor, yield potential, and disease resistance is preserved in Big Beef Plus. Indeterminate. 73 days.

From $4.25 for Packet (15 seeds)
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77 results