This favorite Mediterranean pepper has a fresh flavor that is neither hot nor sweet. Dark green peppers are 7 inches long and great for grilling or frying because their thin walls cook quickly. This variety is also known as Italico Hybrid. 65 days.
Attractive green and yellow striped tomatoes have a unique, elongated shape, about 2 inches long and 1 inch wide and tapered at the tip. But even more impressive than their appearance is their bright, acidic yet sweet flavor. The taste is similar to that of Green Zebra, and very refreshing and delicious. Chefs as well as home cooks will find these tomatoes quite versatile in the kitchen, and they pair beautifully with the other "tigers" in this series. Indeterminate. 70 days.
A yellow-fruited version of Pink Ping Pong, this one bears clusters of 2-inch golden-yellow fruit with about the same ping-pong size and shape. This variety is also a treat to eat, with deliciously sweet, juicy tomatoes that have a refreshing lemon-like finish to their flavor. Vigorous plants bear a great abundance of these very pretty golden fruits. Indeterminate. 75 days.
Blistering heat is the hallmark of this hybrid Ghost pepper. armed with more than 800,000 scoville units of heat. Be careful handling, consuming,and preparing. This bright red and pointed fruit is 2 ½ inches in length and has higher yield potential than other open pollinated Ghost peppers. 90 days.
Compact variety bred especially for container growing produces an abundance of 2 to 3 oz. glossy, oval, black fruit over a long growing season. Early maturity and plenty of vigor make this a great variety for any garden, including those growing in containers. Attractive plants produce tender, very attractive and tasty fruit. 60 days.
This heirloom-style hybrid won a regional All America Selections award, based primarily on good flavor, and juicy flesh that can really impress on a sandwich, on a burger or sliced in a salad. The 11 ounce fruit have reduced cracking compared to similar varieties. Good disease package with hybrid vigor and strong productive vines. Indeterminate 74 days.
Home gardeners and growers love this open-pollinated cauliflower. The 6 to 7 inch heads are self-blanching, smooth and Plant size is larger than Early Snowball, and more productive. Can be frozen for a big crop, or eaten fresh. Most suited to fall and winter harvest. Good frost tolerance. 70 to 75 days.
Elongated cherry type is part of the Artisan(TM) series and has a beautiful color combination of deep green striping and a backdrop that develops from green to red when the fruit is ready to pick. The tomato's interior is marbled with red, and its flavor is sweet and rich with bright acidic notes. Indeterminate. 70 days.
A favored heirloom that is very popular in New England states produces blue-gray fruit that are slightly ridged, and can weigh more than 25 pounds. The interior flesh is firm and yellow-orange and very sweet. Storage is excellent. Can be used for pies, baking, boiling, or freezing. 100 days
This beautiful bright orange pumpkin has smooth skin with fruit weighing 5 to 8 pounds. Vines do not spread as much as other varieties, requiring less space in the garden. It is easy to grow from seed, and is good for carving, painting, and decorating. The meat is also good for homemade pumpkin pies. All America Winner. 90 days
This is the most truly purple tomato we know, not just pink-purple, but it is deep purple-burgundy. It is also uniquely shaped, extremely fluted and almost ruffled in appearance. Fruit is flattened, about 3 inches across, and flavor is described by some as distinctively winey and rich. Indeterminate. 80-90 days.
All America winning bell pepper with mild pungency – yes it is a hot bell (100 to 1000 scoville units). Plants grow up to 24 inches tall, producing plenty of 3 and 4 lobed fruit that measure 3.5 by 3.75 inches. TMV tolerant. 70 days.