Another variation of the Armenian cucumber is the one that alternates with light and dark green stripes, and is slightly fuzzy. Harvest from 8 to 12 inches and enjoy the mild, sweet and crunchy flesh. Grows well in warm weather. 70 days.
Dark pink beefsteak fruit reach about one pound and grow on potato-leaved vines. The variety was part of the Ben Quisinberry Collection, which also contributed the variety Brandywine. Stump of the World is a bit smaller and more productive than Brandywine, but like Brandywine, offers outstandingly rich, complex flavor. Heirloom variety. Indeterminate. 80 days.
From Czechoslovakia, this is an extremely early cold-tolerant tomato that bears an abundance of 2 ounce flavorful and sweet tomatoes. This variety has become a garden favorite for its earliness, productivity, and truly wonderful taste. Indeterminate. 52 days.
One of a series of extra early tomatoes bred for extremely cold climates. Dwarf vines produce concentrated clusters of 2-1/2 oz. fruit with good flavor. Excellent for Northern gardeners or anyone seeking early tomatoes. Determinate. 62 days.
Extremely early harvests of super-sweet tomatoes on compact plants make this variety a wonderful addition to anyone's garden. These 1 to 2 oz. tomatoes will likely be among the first of the season, and their sweet, delicious flavor is sure to be a delight. Plants are small, but very productive. Determinate. 54 days.
Named for the high levels of natural sugars contained in every bite, these super-sweet fruit are elongated and weigh up to 1 ounce. They measure ¾ of an inch to 1 ¼ inches in length. Early maturity will make this one of the first tomatoes you can harvest in your garden, and likely the sweetest. Indeterminate 50 – 55 days.
2005 ALL-AMERICA SELECTIONS AWARD WINNER - Very sweet, cherry sized tomatoes are oval shaped with a pointed blossom end and a beautiful reddish-pink color. Fruit is produced in clusters on high yielding semi-indeterminate vines, which means that plants stay more compact but continue to produce over a long season. Indeterminate. 60 days.
This variety was developed for single stem flower heads used by florists, and sold for cut flowers in supermarkets. It is day neutral and can be planted for year-round harvest in warmer climates and it is widely adapted. The attractive flower has dark orange petals with a black center, and is pollenless. Stems reaching 60 inches (155 cm). Maturity 80 days in winter and 55 days in summer.
Very sweet, bright orange cherry tomatoes taste not just sugary but also fruity and delicious. Vigorous growers, these tall plants bear long clusters of fruit. Try these for a real taste treat, you won't believe you're eating tomatoes! Indeterminate. 57 days.
If you love Sun Gold or Sun Sugar, you will also love Sun Orange. It has unbelievably good flavor. The breeder has taken the same great flavor package, but increased the size of the fruit, and improved crack resistance. High yield potential is obvious once you see the elegant trusses brimming with fruit. Indeterminate. 65 days.