
805 results
Health Kick VFAA Hybrid Tomato

Named appropriately, this variety has fruit with 50% more lycopene than other common tomatoes. Lycopene is an antioxidant that is proving helpful in preventing cancers and other diseases. Besides being good for you, these plum-shaped tomatoes are extra-large, 4 to 6 ozs., making them excellent to use in salads or in cooking. Another important attribute is their resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus and bacterial speck, which are a real problem in some areas. Plants become about 4 feet tall and bear abundantly. Determinate. 74 days.

From $4.95 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Heatmaster Hybrid Tomato

Bred to perform in heat, this variety can produce fruit as the thermometer reaches up to 90 degrees. Excellent disease resistance and broad adaptability make this variety a perfect choice for the hotter regions of the country. Fruit are 7 to 8 oz., tasty and sweet. Determinate 75 days

From $3.99 for Pack (10 seeds)
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Heinz 1350 Tomato

A leading variety for canning and fresh use because of heavy yields of uniform, 6 ounce fruit. Bright red color and crack resistant. Determinate. 70 days.

$3.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Heinz 1439 VFA Tomato

This is a great variety for canning or processing because it puts out a concentrated set of tomatoes that you can pick all at one time. Very heavy yields of beautiful bright red, crack-resistant, 6 ounce fruit. Determinate. 70 days.

$3.75 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Heirloom Tomato Cookbook

The Kendall-Jackson Heirloom Tomato Festival inspired this beautiful cookbook featuring elegant photographs and 50 mouth-watering recipes, such as Cherokee Purple Tomato BLT and Five-Minute Brandywine Sauce. It includes a discussion on favorite heirloom varieties, wine pairings, and tips on cultivating tomatoes, but it is really the recipes and the delicious flavors they promise that will make you want to grow these heirlooms. 132 pages.

$16.95 for Default Title
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Henderson's Winsall Tomato

While there have been a lot of tomatoes distributed under the name of Winsall, this one is the original grown from stock seed we obtained from the USDA Seed Bank. The plants have regular tomato foliage and produce large l lb. or more pink fruit with absolutely scrumptious taste. Heirloom originating with the Henderson Seed Company in 1924. Indeterminate. 90 days.

$3.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Hernandez Hybrid Pepper

Hernandez is a hybrid Fresno type pepper that has a lot in common with a jalapeno. The fruit are conical, 2-3 inches in length, with thick flesh that can be eaten fresh, grilled, or minced in salsa. The flavor is tangy and smoky with a hint of sweetness. Plants reach 22 to 24 inches in height and the fruit have medium pungency. 75 days.

From $3.45 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Hillbilly Tomato

Huge bicolored tomato is yellow-orange with red streaking. Fruits have sweet and fruity flavor and usually weigh from 1 to 2 lbs. Heirloom variety from West Virginia. Indeterminate. 85 days.

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Homemade Pickles Cucumber

Harvest small for baby sweet pickles (2 inches) or let them grow up to 5 or 6 inches for crunchy dill pickles. Excellent disease package allows large harvests of great tasting cucumbers that are crispy and solid. 59 days.

$2.99 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Homestead 24 F Tomato

Especially recommended for Southern gardeners, this variety sets large crops even in hot weather. Luscious, meaty tomatoes are medium-sized, smooth, and resistant to catfacing. Large vines offer good foliage cover. Our original stock seed is from the USDA Seed Bank. Determinate. 80 days.

$3.45 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Honey Hybrid Tomato

Wonderful, sweet rich flavor is what gives this dark pink tomato its name. Large yields of beautiful, smooth 8 oz. fruit keep coming all season long on vigorous, disease-resistant plants. Indeterminate. 76 days.

$3.55 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Hot Paper Lantern Pepper

This pepper is related to the habanero, but offers earlier maturity and larger fruit that ripens to bright fire-engine red. 3 to 4-in. elongated, crinkled fruits are as fiery hot as regular habanero. Tall plants bear a great abundance of peppers that continue bearing all season and may be more reliable than habanero in colder climates. 90 days.

From $3.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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805 results