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Tomato Growers' flagship collection of 380+ tomato varieties of all shapes, colors, and sizes.  There's a tomato fit for any garden from greenhouses, patios, outdoor beds, and even windowsills!

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406 results
Indigo Blue Beauty Tomato

Beautiful 6 to 8 oz. beefsteak tomatoes are uniquely colored, beginning as a stunning true blue where sunlight strikes the skin atop a bottom side of green. As they ripen fully, the purple deepens and eventually turns more reddish. That is when they develop their excellent flavor and are ready to harvest. Expect a heavy production of meaty tomatoes that are resistant to cracking and hold well on the vine until you are ready to pick them. Indeterminate. 80 days.

$3.45 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Coyote Tomato

Delightful little cherry tomatoes are creamy ivory with hints of yellow and an absolutely unforgettable taste. The flavor is not only sweet but is also marked by a fruity complexity. They are so irresistible that you won't want to stop eating them at harvest time. Plants are large and quite prolific, bearing long clusters of these 1/2-inch delicious little treats. Heirloom variety originally from Mexico. Indeterminate. 65 days.

$3.65 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Debut VFFAST Hybrid Tomato

This variety has early maturity with exceptional size - 8 to 10 oz. Perhaps the best variety for those wanting a compact determinate plant that has great yield potential, flavor, and appearance. You can even grow this in a large container. The deep oblate fruit are picture perfect with a small blossom scar. (VFFASt) Determinate 70 days

$3.39 for Pack (10 seeds)
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Zapotec Pink Ribbed Tomato

Heirloom tomato from the Zapotec Indians of Mexico, this is a beautiful heavily ribbed dark pink fruit. Its pleated shape makes it very ornamental, and it would be wonderful hollowed and stuffed, or sliced to show off its scalloped edges. The flavor is sweet and mild, and yields are prolific. This is a most unusual variety that is really very pretty. Indeterminate. 80 days.

From $3.65 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Sweet Golden Roma Hybrid Tomato

Sweet Golden Roma caught our attention in trials, not just for the beautiful bright yellow color, but also for the fine eating quality. It is really tasty. It is also very productive. It looks beautiful in a salad, or on a sandwich. Can it or turn into a yellow paste tomato. Fruit are 4 to 5 ounces. Resistant to F2 and V. Determinate. 78 days.

From $3.75 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Cherry Princess Sweetie Hybrid Tomato
You will love these delicious red cherry treats, not just because they taste so yummy, but also because this variety is early and has tremendous yield potential. The ¼ ounce fruit are bite-size, and it is hard not to eat them right off the vine. Indeterminate 57 days.
From $2.95 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Dester Tomato

Luscious pink beefsteaks weigh a pound or more and have a rich, sweet flavor that is unforgettable. This is a family heirloom variety brought over from Germany by Dr. Dester when he settled in Indiana. He gave seeds to an Amish woman, who moved to Missouri and shared Dester seed with a farmer there who grew them for the local market. Dester continues to earn its great reputation by winning taste tests and even wider popularity. Indeterminate. 80 days.

$3.45 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Sweet Aperitif Tomato

With origins in England, this bright red cherry tomato has gained popularity quickly because of its amazing taste and a 13.5 Brix (sugar measurement) rating that is exceptionally high. Even so, the flavor is well balanced with acid, so that fruit has a refreshingly tangy taste. Vigorous plants become completely loaded with bite-sized,  1/2 oz. tomatoes that will certainly be favorites for adding to salads or eating outdoors right off the vine. Indeterminate. 80 days.

From $3.55 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Pruden's Purple Tomato

Large, 10 to 16 oz., dark pink fruits grow on potato-leaved vines and mature quite early for such large fruit. Delicious flavor and good production. Similar to Brandywine, but earlier. Heirloom variety. Indeterminate. 75 days.

$2.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Granny Cantrell Tomato

This is a family heirloom passed on by Lettie Cantrell of Kentucky, who first got the seeds from a soldier returning home from Germany during World War II. Lettie grew this tomato since the 1940's and it was the only tomato she ever grew in her garden. Large, meaty fruit are about 1 lb. and are wonderful for fresh eating, slicing, or canning. Great flavor is sweet yet rich and has won this tomato honors in numerous taste-tests. Indeterminate. 85 days.

$3.35 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Maglia Rosa Tomato

This lovely variety was the very first one Artisan Seeds released, and its flavor is still highly rated. A beautiful light-pink and yellow-mottled tomato, named after the pink jersey worn by the lead rider in the Tour of Italy. Very productive plants, short enough to be grown in containers. The small tomatoes have wonderful flavor, sweet but balanced with acid, and lots of rich tomato taste. Pick these fruit while they are still light pink. Indeterminate. 55 days.

$3.45 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Henderson's Winsall Tomato

While there have been a lot of tomatoes distributed under the name of Winsall, this one is the original grown from stock seed we obtained from the USDA Seed Bank. The plants have regular tomato foliage and produce large l lb. or more pink fruit with absolutely scrumptious taste. Heirloom originating with the Henderson Seed Company in 1924. Indeterminate. 90 days.

$3.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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406 results