Cherry Tomato Seeds
Cherry tomatoes range in size from a thumbnail to a golf ball and are some of the sweetest tomatoes ever developed. Featured picture is Princess Yum-Yum.
Chefs and gardeners alike are going to be talking about this cherry tomato because of its striking looks and delicious, sweet flavor. 1 ½ inch round fruit are dark purple to almost black and streaked with mottled patterns of green. This is a great tomato for fresh salads and appetizers, where the appearance and texture of the fruit can really shine. Market gardeners will like mixing these into their pints of colorful cherry tomatoes. This crack-resistant variety can be grown either outdoors or in the greenhouse. Indeterminate. 70 days.
Perfect for container growing, this dwarf tomato plant only becomes 10 to 12 inches tall, but produces lots of flavorful, small red tomatoes. Dark green, quilted leaves are attractive and fruit is abundant, making this a great variety for indoor gardening. Needs no staking. Determinate. 70 days.
Another stunning cherry tomato in the "Bumble Bee" collection, this one is round and deep yellow with red stripes on the outside and pink marbling inside. Their flavor is delicious, sweet yet acidic and complex. Pair them with the other Bumble Bee cherries or alongside any of the Artisan tomatoes for a visual and culinary feast. Indeterminate. 70 days.
Pretty 1 ½ inch round cherry tomatoes are dark pink striped with yellow and perfect for fresh tomato salads. Sweet flavor and distinctive appearance make them a great choice for market growers to use in colorful pints of mixed cherry tomatoes. Crack-resistant fruit develops on strong plants that can grow well outdoors or inside a greenhouse. Indeterminate. 70 days.
Excellent sweet flavor and incredibly large yields are the hallmarks of this delightful cherry tomato bred by Dr. Jim Myers at Oregon State University. As part of the Indigo series, these one-inch fruits are purple/black due to high anthocyanin levels, with rosy undersides and deep red flesh. Indeterminate. 65 days.
Round to slightly elongated-shaped cherry tomato is bright red and prolific with excellent flavor and plenty of juice. This variety practically grows itself, resisting most diseases and setting loads of fruit. Great for salads and can even be used for juice. Australian Heirloom. Indeterminate. 70 days.
Delightful little cherry tomatoes are creamy ivory with hints of yellow and an absolutely unforgettable taste. The flavor is not only sweet but is also marked by a fruity complexity. They are so irresistible that you won't want to stop eating them at harvest time. Plants are large and quite prolific, bearing long clusters of these 1/2-inch delicious little treats. Heirloom variety originally from Mexico. Indeterminate. 65 days.
Round to slightly elongated striped green cherry tomatoes look like miniature Green Zebras with the same striping and green color ripening with a hint of amber. Their flavor, while excellent, is a little different, with more delicious sweetness in its profile than that of Green Zebra. This variety was discovered in a box of mixed cherry tomatoes that a gardener bought in Germany. Indeterminate. 75 days.
Pretty little green cherry fruit have fabulous flavor, making Green Doctors a favorite new green variety. Small tomatoes are about 3/4-inch and borne on long trusses. This variety originated as a green variation of the white Dr. Carolyn tomato growing in the garden of Amy Goldman. Compared to Green Grape, Green Doctors is smaller and sweeter with a nice balance of tartness mingled in. Indeterminate. 75 days.
Vigorous vines produce abundant clusters of 1/2 oz. bright yellow-gold cherry tomatoes with delicious sweet flavor. These tomatoes are naturally sweeter than red cherry varieties with a fruitier taste. Once you taste them, you'll be spoiled forever. Indeterminate. 60 days.
This small fruited variety, also known as Sugar Lump, rates high with gardeners for its big yields of sugar sweet tomatoes. Crack-resistant fruit is 3/4 to 1-1/2 inches across and arranged in clusters of 6 to 12. Indeterminate. 65 days.
With origins in England, this bright red cherry tomato has gained popularity quickly because of its amazing taste and a 13.5 Brix (sugar measurement) rating that is exceptionally high. Even so, the flavor is well balanced with acid, so that fruit has a refreshingly tangy taste. Vigorous plants become completely loaded with bite-sized, 1/2 oz. tomatoes that will certainly be favorites for adding to salads or eating outdoors right off the vine. Indeterminate. 80 days.