Small-Fruited Tomato Seeds
Very sweet, bright orange cherry tomatoes taste not just sugary but also fruity and delicious. Vigorous growers, these tall plants bear long clusters of fruit. Try these for a real taste treat, you won't believe you're eating tomatoes! Indeterminate. 57 days.
A hybrid orange cherry tomato with unbelievably good flavor and productivity. Very sweet, fruity-tasting tomatoes are borne in long clusters on vigorous plants. Many other cherry tomatoes have a tendency to crack, especially when ripe, but this one has crack resistance bred in while still keeping a thin skin. The taste of these tomatoes is such a delight that they're often picked and eaten in the garden instead of ever making it indoors. Indeterminate. 62 days.
ALL-AMERICA SELECTIONS WINNER. Elongated cherry tomatoes grow in grape-like clusters and really load up on vigorous vines. The 1 ounce fruit has red, glossy skin and wonderful sweet flavor. As a bonus, the fruit is crack-resistant and holds on the vine better than most cherries. Expect high yields from plants that are tolerant to late blight and leaf spot. This variety is considered to be a 'big sister' variety of Santa. Indeterminate. 60 days.
This is the first truly black cherry tomato and our own exclusive variety. It is not a plum, but a perfectly round cherry with classic black tomato flavor, sweet yet rich and complex. Fruit picks clean from the stem and is produced in abundance on vigorous, tall plants. These cherries are irresistibly delicious and a unique addition to the color spectrum of cherry tomatoes now available. Selected by the founder for sweetness, increased crack tolerance and yield. Indeterminate. 65 days.
This is a home gardener favorite that has more disease resistance than Sweet 100 while keeping the same fabulous taste. Small round 1 oz. cherry tomatoes are deliciously sweet with a high Vitamin C content. Long clusters of fruit load up on tall, vigorous plants and continue to bear until frost. Indeterminate. 65 days.
An improved version of Sweet 100, this variety offers the same wonderful flavor and yields, but much better disease resistance and tolerance to cracking. Incredibly long clusters of 1 inch dark red fruit grow on tall, vigorous plants. Indeterminate. 65 days.
2005 ALL-AMERICA SELECTIONS AWARD WINNER - Very sweet, cherry sized tomatoes are oval shaped with a pointed blossom end and a beautiful reddish-pink color. Fruit is produced in clusters on high yielding semi-indeterminate vines, which means that plants stay more compact but continue to produce over a long season. Indeterminate. 60 days.
Long, grape-like clusters of brilliant red elongated cherry tomatoes have earned this variety its name. Very sweet, complex flavor is delicious and has made these tomatoes a favorite of people everywhere. In fact, pints of these have become a popular supermarket item. Vigorous vines are very productive, but none of these delectable little morsels will go to waste. Their taste is addictive! Crack-resistant and tolerant to heat and a number of tomato diseases. Indeterminate. 60 days.
These miniature pear-shaped tomatoes are 1-3/4 to 2 inches long and clear yellow in color. They are delightfully sweet, considered by many as 'garden candy'. Baskets of these are as pretty as can be. Tall plants bear large and continuous harvests. Indeterminate. 78 days.
If you love Sun Gold or Sun Sugar, you will also love Sun Orange. It has unbelievably good flavor. The breeder has taken the same great flavor package, but increased the size of the fruit, and improved crack resistance. High yield potential is obvious once you see the elegant trusses brimming with fruit. Indeterminate. 65 days.
With a name like a confection and striped dark-chocolate grape-shaped tomatoes, this one is too tempting to pass up. The fruit is delightfully sweet with a rich, balanced flavor, perfect for snacking or adding on top of salads. Tall, disease-resistant plants bear huge crops of these delectable, crack-resistant cherry tomatoes. Indeterminate. 75 days.
Chefs and gardeners alike are going to be talking about this cherry tomato because of its striking looks and delicious, sweet flavor. 1 ½ inch round fruit are dark purple to almost black and streaked with mottled patterns of green. This is a great tomato for fresh salads and appetizers, where the appearance and texture of the fruit can really shine. Market gardeners will like mixing these into their pints of colorful cherry tomatoes. This crack-resistant variety can be grown either outdoors or in the greenhouse. Indeterminate. 70 days.