Fruit & Vegetable Seeds
Big, blocky bell peppers are a mature green in 70 days, then turn to a beautiful golden-yellow in just two more weeks. The peppers are about 4½ inches long and wide, and are smooth and consistently well shaped. As a bonus, plants are tolerant to most pepper viruses and 3 races of bacterial spot. Extra sweet when fully yellow.
High yields and extra-large fruit have made this the most popular open-pollinated bell pepper. Dark-green peppers are mostly 4-lobed and blocky, about 4½ inches long and 4 inches wide, with crisp, thick walls and sweet taste. Tall plants are Tobacco Mosaic Virus resistant and produce an abundance of peppers. 75 days.
A Cayenne type of pepper with pointed pods, 2 to 3 inches long and 3/8 inch wide. They mature to dark red and are thin fleshed. Ranging from 15,000 to 30,000 Scoville units, they are usually ground into dry powder for red chile sauces or added to soups and stews. 80 days.
A great disease-protection package offers resistance to 9 races of bacterial spot and contributes to a big production of premium-quality peppers. Strong, prolific plants can continuously set peppers that are extra large and blocky with thick walls and good, crisp flavor. They begin as green, then mature to a brilliant red. Tobacco Mosaic Virus resistant and widely adaptable to most growing areas. 72 days.
Seed for this habanero variety was found in the Caribbean, and grows a fiercely hot pepper that is hotter than the regular orange habanero. Dried samples of Caribbean Red measured 445,000 Scoville units whereas regular habanero tested at about 260,000 Scovilles. This pepper must be used carefully, but is wonderful for salsas, marinades, and making your own hot sauce. Bright red fruits are about 1½ inches deep and 1 inch wide and have flavor with fruity overtones. 110 days to red.
light apple green and ripens to a clear golden yellow. Crisp, juicy fruit has excellent, sweet flavor in a very nice size that measures 5 inches long and 4 inches wide. This fruit turns yellow very early, but plants continue to produce new peppers all season long. 65 days green; 85 days yellow.
This very productive version of NuMex 6-4 offers 6 to 7 inch thick-fleshed peppers that turn from green to red. They are relatively mild in flavor and ripen earlier than most other peppers of this type. 65 days.
Striking flashes of bright purple foliage stand out against almost black leaves while new growth is splashed with creamy white. Small glossy black peppers are hot and although mainly ornamental, are also edible. Plants grow about a foot tall with a slightly wider spread and a layered habit. Perfect for containers or planting in gardens, Purple Flash survives summer heat while still making an exotic display.
Fiery orange habanero type with 180,000 Scoville units and fruity taste matures 2 to 3 weeks earlier than open-pollinated habaneros. The peppers are also huge at 3 inches long and set in abundance on strong plants. 85 days.
Huge, thick-walled elongated bell peppers start out green but ripen to a beautiful, bright golden yellow, at which stage they become extra sweet. These enormous peppers are delicious when eaten fresh, then take on an added dimension of flavor when stir-fried, grilled, or roasted. Average length is 8 inches, but it is not unusual for peppers to get even bigger. 90 days.
Dark purple fruit and violet-colored flowers are what make this plant so special. Purple peppers almost cover the foliage, turning the 2-1/2 foot tall plants nearly purple. Upon maturity, the peppers turn red and are extremely hot. At this stage, purple, orange, and red fruit may be on plants at the same time, making a very colorful and attractive display.
A red bell pepper widely adapted to reliably turn red in almost any area of the country. Very thick-walled, heavy fruits are blocky, and about 4 inches long. Heavy yields of bright-red sweet peppers. Resistant to Tobacco mosaic virus. 68 days to green 76 days to red