
805 results
Pozzano VFFT Hybrid Tomato - Sold out

Very productive hybrid tomatoes with the classic San Marzano shape are 4-1/2 inches long with solid flesh that makes the most flavorful sauce. Because the tomatoes have minimal juice, they cook down quickly while keeping that old-fashioned Italian taste. Vigorous plants set abundant clusters of these beautiful red paste tomatoes that cost a premium price when you buy them in a can. It's so much better to grow your own! This variety does well in outdoor gardens as well as in greenhouses and high tunnels. Indeterminate. 72 days.

From $4.95 for Pack (10 seeds) - Sold Out
Precious Pink Hybrid Tomato

These 6 to 8 ounce pink tomatoes have that old fashioned flavor and juicy flesh that people crave. Yield potential is impressive on the vigorous indeterminate vine. Tmv, F. Indeterminate. 72 days.

From $3.15 for Pack (30 seeds) $12.95
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Pretty Purple Pepper Pepper

Dark purple fruit and violet-colored flowers are what make this plant so special. Purple peppers almost cover the foliage, turning the 2-1/2 foot tall plants nearly purple. Upon maturity, the peppers turn red and are extremely hot. At this stage, purple, orange, and red fruit may be on plants at the same time, making a very colorful and attractive display.

$3.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
Primero Hybrid Cabbage

Great for the home garden, but also a productive commercial variety in the early segment of maturity. Resists bursting. The 7 ½ inch, 3 to 4 pound heads are deep red in color. Leaves are tightly wrapped, and have a excellent sweet flavor. 72 days.

From $3.25 for Packet (25 to 30 seeds)
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Princess Yum Yum Hybrid Tomato

Every now and then a tomato comes along that demands recognition for a flavor worthy of the royal family. She is only to be served at the peak of perfection. She has the highest sugar of all our trial garden tomatoes. Resistance to fusarium, powdery mildew, tomato mosaic virus, tomato yellow leaf curl virus, and LATE BLIGHT! Vigorous indeterminate vines produce long trailing brilliant red fruit clusters, with each fruit weighing about ½ an ounce each, measuring 1 1/2 by 1 inch. 78 days

From $4.95 for Pack (10 seeds)
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Principe Borghese Tomato

This is the variety Italians have long favored for drying.  Meaty plum-shaped tomatoes have very little juice and few seeds, They measure just 1 1/2 inches long. The small plants become extremely loaded with fruit. Determinate. 75 days.

$2.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Prizehead Lettuce

Upright leaves are deeply curled, light green in color, with bronze color in the margins. It is fast growing with good bolting tolerance. Superior flavor and non-bitter taste makes this a favorite of farmers markets and your own garden. 50 days

$3.39 for Pack (500 seeds)
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Prizm Hybrid Kale

All America Winner  - If are interested in growing the superfood known as kale but you don't have room, there is a solution. You can now grow this All America winner in containers as well as in-ground beds. The attractive short plants have tight ruffle-edged leaves, and almost stemless stalks that are quick to re-leaf. Harvest early and often for a continual supply throughout the season. Sweet nutty flavored leaves are tender enough to enjoy in fresh salads but also hold up well when cooked. 40 days

From $4.25 for Pack (50 seeds)
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Prosperosa Eggplant

Round, deep-violet fruit comes from Tuscany and is an Italian heirloom. Eggplant are about the size of a Rosa Bianca, but are a beautiful jewel-toned purple with white, mild-tasting flesh inside. This very productive variety offers wonderful color and shape for the eggplant grower. 73 days.

$2.95 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Pruden's Purple Tomato

Large, 10 to 16 oz., dark pink fruits grow on potato-leaved vines and mature quite early for such large fruit. Delicious flavor and good production. Similar to Brandywine, but earlier. Heirloom variety. Indeterminate. 75 days.

$2.95 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Pumpkin Spice Pepper

A jalapeno that offers a both fruity flavor, and mild to mid-level heat. Excellent productivity on 25-inch tall plants that produce 2-to-3-inch fruit ripens from green to brilliant orange. Perfect for adding color to a salsa, or for pickling, or stuffing to make popper jalapenos. Pungency increases as they mature to orange. Suitable for container gardening. 75-80 days.

$3.85 for Packet (20 seeds)
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Purple Beauty Pepper

Blocky, thick-walled, dark purple bells set well not only in the crown, but also as limb set. Compact plants offer good foliage cover for the fruit. Beautiful in salads as well as stuffed. 70 days.

From $3.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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805 results