
806 results
Candy Hybrid Onion

A very popular home garden onion due to mild pungency, a sweet flavor, and wide adaptability. We would normally call it a mid-day onion, but with extremely wide adaptability we'll say it's day-neutral as well. That means it will produce almost everywhere, except most southern and northern parts of the US. The beautiful golden skin covers white flesh that is perfect for eating on a sandwich, in stir-fry, or in just about anything that requires an onion. You can transplant or direct seed. Bulbs hold after harvest for a few months. Early maturity. 85 days.

From $3.49 for Packet (100 seeds)
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Carbon Tomato

This is among the darkest of the 'black' tomatoes that we've seen and one of the very best tasting tomatoes of any kind that we've sampled. Its flavor is exceptionally rich yet sweet and the essence of delicious summer tomato flavor. Medium to large, 8 to 12 oz. tomatoes are flattened round and smooth, without the cracking or blemishing that seems to plague some black tomatoes. They are dark purplish-brown on the outside with a deep brick-red interior. Indeterminate. 80 days.

From $3.35 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Caribbean Red Pepper

Seed for this habanero variety was found in the Caribbean, and grows a fiercely hot pepper that is hotter than the regular orange habanero. Dried samples of Caribbean Red measured 445,000 Scoville units whereas regular habanero tested at about 260,000 Scovilles. This pepper must be used carefully, but is wonderful for salsas, marinades, and making your own hot sauce. Bright red fruits are about 1½ inches deep and 1 inch wide and have flavor with fruity overtones. 110 days to red.

From $3.65 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Carmello VFNT Hybrid Tomato

A classic French slicing tomato, this one is making a comeback after being absent from our inventory for many years. It has a deservedly great reputation both in America and Europe, due to its wonderful flavor, perfect sugar/acid balance, and crack-resistant skin. Bright red juicy tomatoes are 10 to 12 ozs. with a beautiful round shape. Expect very high yields on disease-resistant plants. Indeterminate. 75 days.

From $4.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Carmen Hybrid Pepper

AAS WINNER. Sweet peppers in the Italian bull’s horn style mature at least a week earlier than comparative types, making them easier for shorter-season gardeners to grow. Beautiful fruit have the traditional horn shape and grow to 6 inches long and 2½ inches wide. 75 days.

From $4.85 for Pack (15 seeds)
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Carolina Gold Hybrid Tomato

Big and beautiful golden yellow fruit that are 8 to 12 ounces, and have cracking tolerance. Low in acid. Resistant to VFF and grey wall. Determinate plants benefit from staking. 73 days.

From $3.85 for Pack (15 seeds)
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Carolina Reaper Pepper

Ranked as the hottest pepper in the world by Guinness, and registering at over 1,500,000 Scoville heat units, this is not a pepper for the timid. The fruit average 1.5 to 2 inches in length and have a nice fruity flavor if you are able to dilute the heat in your favorite dish to something you can eat. Fruit look like a bumpy little devil with a pointed tail. Reaper seeds are difficult to germinate and require a heating pad and thirty days just to sprout. 95 days. 

From $5.45 for Pack (10 seeds)
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Carranza Hybrid Pepper

Many people have difficulties growing large size ancho peppers in hot areas. Carranza was bred to produce large peppers even in hot conditions, and that will make many growers and gardeners happy. Fruit reach 6 to 7 inches in length, and 3 inches in width, with just a touch of heat – 500 scoville units. Harvest fresh for poblano, or dry them for ancho. Color changes from dark green to red. 68 days.

From $4.15 for Pack (15 seeds)
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Casper Eggplant

Compact plants bear lots of pure white 7-in. long eggplant with tender, mild flesh. Plants seem to perform well even in cool weather, so gardeners in short-season areas can also expect large harvests. If you have never grown white eggplant before, you will be pleasantly surprised how sweet and delicately textured they are. Let their mild flavor and meaty texture stand out in dishes where vegetables are the centerpiece. 70 days.

$3.10 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Casper Pumpkin

This white skinned ornamental pumpkin has thick orange flesh with excellent eating quality. Fruit weigh between 10 and 16 pounds, and are 9 to 12 inches in diameter. Casper has less bluing than other white varieties. The handle is tan with a corky texture. 90 days.

$2.99 for Pack (10 seeds)
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Caspian Pink Tomato

Russian heirloom variety from the area between the Caspian and Black Seas. Large, pink beefsteak fruits average 10 to 12 ounces with a plentiful set and fairly early maturity for a tomato of this type. The sweet yet rich flavor is outstanding and has prompted some tasters to compare it favorably to Brandywine. Unlike Brandywine, this variety has regularly-shaped foliage. Indeterminate. 80 days.

From $2.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Many cats have a great affection for catnip. Its essential oils can frenzy a cat as they are seduced by the chemical nepetalacton. The excitement is short-lived, and those who are susceptible will need to recuperate before indulging again. Keep in mind, not all cats like catnip. Transplant after the last frost in your growing area. Some people have recommended soaking the seed in water the night before planting.

Pictured is Jude, who owns one of our catalog designers and has agreed to have her picture taken for the catalog.

$2.95 for Pack (95 to 100 seeds)
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806 results