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Tomato Growers' flagship collection of 380+ tomato varieties of all shapes, colors, and sizes. There's a tomato fit for any garden from greenhouses, patios, outdoor beds, and even windowsills!
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With a name like a confection and striped dark-chocolate grape-shaped tomatoes, this one is too tempting to pass up. The fruit is delightfully sweet with a rich, balanced flavor, perfect for snacking or adding on top of salads. Tall, disease-resistant plants bear huge crops of these delectable, crack-resistant cherry tomatoes. Indeterminate. 75 days.
It's back! This variety was made popular many years ago by a seed company that is no longer in business. Many gardeners still remember fondly this prolific variety with 4 to 6 inch long, tapered red fruits shaped like banana peppers. The tomatoes are very meaty and sweet with few seeds -- great for sauces, salsas, or even eating fresh. Color is a gorgeous bright red and yield is impressive. Indeterminate. 80 days.
One of the most popular varieties for paste, sauces and canning. Compact vines yield large harvests of 3 inch long, bright red fruit that may be pear-shaped or plum-shaped. Thick walled and solid with few seeds. Determinate. 78 days.
Perfect for large containers or small gardens, this has long been a favorite choice for growing on patios, decks, and balconies. That is because the compact plants are attractive while yielding good-sized 8 oz. fruit with real tomato flavor. Stocky plants grow 3 to 4 ft. tall with an upright habit, making staking needs minimal. Compact indeterminate. 68 days.
Available in pelleted form, used for planting seeds with a machine.
This tomato was named after Pizza Margherita, the classic summertime pie topped with mozzarella, tomato and fresh basil. The good news is these elongated 5 to 6 oz. paste tomatoes are also great for many other dishes. Roasting brings out their best flavor, and deep red color and thin skin make them perfect for tossing into pasta or sandwiches. Vigorous plants yield large harvests. Determinate. 72 days.
Dark brown-red tomatoes are large, 10 to 12 ozs., and very richly flavored with just a hint of saltiness. Color is darker in hot weather, and fruit seems to set well even in the heat. Prone to cracking, but a very heavy producer. Heirloom from the Black Sea of Russia. Indeterminate. 75-90 days.
From the seed of the late tomato collector Ben Quisinberrry, this classic heirloom variety has gorgeous one to one and a half pound yellow and red striped fruit. Winner of many modern taste tests, it was listed in Quisinberry's 1976 seed list as "the sweetest tomato you ever tasted and a gourmet's joy when sliced." Introduced as Ruby Gold and renamed by Mr. Quisinberry. Indeterminate. 80 days.
This early maturing tomato is perfect for eating fresh, making salsa, paste and sauces. A real San Marzano type hybrid, with meaty red fruit and sweet flavor. The 5 inch fruit weigh about 6 ounces and really load up the fruit on the strong indeterminate vines. 65 days.
This is a very old Russian variety bearing large pink oxheart-type tomatoes with excellent, sweet flavor. Strong plants produce abundantly, with some fruit growing to 2 lbs. and more. Indeterminate. 87 days.
What this variety offers is a very heavy crop of good-sized, smooth red tomatoes with delicious flavor, ranging from 6 to 10 ounces. Because of their abundance and medium to large size, they could well be a mainstay of your crop, providing excellent tasting fruit for a variety of uses throughout a long season. Indeterminate. 80 days.
Lemon Boy tomato is among the best-selling tomatoes in the US and Canada. It has many wonderful features, including great flavor, mild yet sweet and tangy fruit, and good productivity. We are proud to present a new and improved generation of Lemon Boy.
The original disease resistance package for Lemon Boy included, Alternaria stem canker, Leaf Mold, Fusarium 0, Stemphylium, Verticilium Wilt, and Root knot nematode. Lemon Boy Plus has all of the original resistances PLUS, Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Tomato torrado virus, and Fusarium Crown and Root Rot. The fruit is sweeter, from 5.7 (Brix) to 6.6, while maintaining the 8 ounce or larger fruit.
This new garden powerhouse has all the characteristics of the original Lemon Boy plus a sweet treat. And don't be surprised if Grandmother prefers the Lemon Boy Plus more than the original. Indeterminate. 73 days.
This variety is legendary for its very exceptional rich, succulent flavor. Large pink-red fruit can become 1-1/2 lbs. with creamy flesh. Vines grow quite tall and have potato-leaved foliage. An Amish heirloom since 1885. Indeterminate. 80 days.