Bell Pepper Seeds (Green to Red)

Home / Peppers / Bell Peppers (Green to Red)
16 results
Revolution Hybrid Pepper

This is an outstanding bell pepper variety that produces a concentrated set even in cool weather. Extra-large, blocky thick-walled peppers are four-lobed, about 4½ inches long and wide, with firm flesh turning from green to brilliant red. Resistant to phytophthora, 4 races of bacterial leaf spot, and cucumber mosaic virus. 72 days.

From $4.75 for Pack (15 seeds)
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Touchdown Hybrid Pepper

A great disease-protection package offers resistance to 9 races of bacterial spot and contributes to a big production of premium-quality peppers. Strong, prolific plants can continuously set peppers that are extra large and blocky with thick walls and good, crisp flavor. They begin as green, then mature to a brilliant red. Tobacco Mosaic Virus resistant and widely adaptable to most growing areas. 72 days.

From $4.95 for Pack (20 seeds)
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North Star Hybrid Pepper

Early season 3 to 4 - lobed blocky bell pepper that sets fruit even under adverse conditions. Recommended for the North and other short season areas. Deep green peppers mature to red. Tobacco mosaic resistant. 60 days.

From $2.95 for Pack (20 seeds) $14.50
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Red Bull Hybrid Pepper

This extra-large, blocky bell pepper is very thick-walled and capable of becoming just huge. Peppers begin as dark green and ripen to a candy apple red, the stage when the fruit is sweetest. Strong plants are resistant to 3 races of bacterial spot, and continue to produce throughout a long season. Mature green in 70 to 75 days.

From $3.75 for Pack (20 seeds)
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16 results