Dependable harvests of large, smooth, solid fruit with thick walls and meaty texture. Mild and delicious flavor, popular for canning. Indeterminate. 74 days.
This is a modern version of the marmande tomato, a type grown in Southern France and well known for its ribbed shape and delicious taste. Marmara offers 5 to 6-oz. tomatoes with a scalloped exterior, intense red color, and wonderful sweet flavor. This tomato is especially beautiful when sliced. Indeterminate. 75 days.
Heirloom variety brought back to this country from Bulgaria yields an abundance of medium-sized, 5 to 6-ounce, round red tomatoes. The fruit may look ordinary, but its taste is not. It is delectable- a complex flavor that is both sweet and tangy at the same time and very juicy. Indeterminate. 78 days.
Big tomato flavor wrapped up in a medium-sized round, red tomato is what this variety is all about. Tall, vigorous plants grow very plentiful harvests of these versatile and attractive fruits with an assertive yet delicious taste. Even beginning gardeners will find this one easy to grow. Indeterminate. 78 days.
This heirloom tomato was originally from the Livingston Collection and was offered for the first time about 1900. Potato-leaved plants yield plenty of dark pink, smooth round fruit weighing about 6 ozs. each. The fruit is sweet, juicy and very flavorful, just right for summertime salads or sandwiches. Indeterminate. 73 days.