Hot Peppers

114 results
Emerald Fire X3R Hybrid Pepper

ALL AMERICA SELECTIONS WINNER. Extra-large and tasty jalapenos grow on vigorous, compact plants that set a huge amount of concentrated fruit. Thick-walled and glossy green, these 4 inch long peppers are great for stuffing, grilling, canning, or using in salsa. They have 2,500 Scoville units of heat, which is perfect for most tastes. Get your jalapeno recipes ready to make use of a very large harvest from these disease-resistant plants. 65 days.

From $3.25 for Pack (15 seeds)
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Gigantia Jalapeno Hybrid Pepper

Wow. These smooth, giant, meaty peppers grow up to 5 inches in length. Fruit are meaty with medium heat. Great for stuffing or grilling or salsa. Plants reach 18 to 24 inches. 70 days.

From $3.99 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Paquime Hybrid Pepper

Enormous jalapenos that are bigger than any we have trialed in the past. The fruit are nearly 5 inches long and produce great yields of outstanding fruit that turn from green to red. The heat does not linger on your tongue. Flavors and aroma are more complex that most jalapenos, so Paquime is really great for making salsa. It is also great for grilling or stuffing. 70 days to mature green fruit.

From $4.45 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Poblano L Pepper

Dark-green peppers mature to almost brown and are 5 inches long and 2½ inches wide with a slight taper and blunt end. These are a little longer and milder than Ancho 101, with Scoville units from 600 to 1,800. 75 to 80 days.

From $3.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Garden Salsa Hybrid Pepper

The name of this pepper says it all, because it is just perfect for making into homemade salsa! The heat level is in the medium range, about the same as Jalapeno. Also useful for picante sauce and various other Mexican dishes. The smooth green peppers are 8 to 9 inches long and 1 inch wide, ripening to red. 73 days.

From $4.55 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Shishito Pepper

Small, thin-walled glossy green peppers are popular as tasty appetizers that are most often pan-fried in a little olive oil and sprinkled with salt. Usually the flavor is bright and a little sweet, but every so often a pepper will appear with a shot of spicy heat. It is said that 1 out of 10 to 20 peppers will be hot. It is this element of surprise that makes eating these peppers so much fun. Easy-to-grow plants have a spreading habit and produce very abundant harvests. 60 days.

From $4.45 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Jalafuego Hybrid Pepper

One of the hottest and most productive jalapeno varieties on the market, this one yields 4-inch long peppers over a long season. These jalapenos are of top quality and turn out smooth and very dark green. Large, vigorous plants produce excellent yields and are resistant to Potato Y virus and 3 races of bacterial spot. 70 days.

From $4.25 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Mucho Nacho Hybrid Pepper

Jumbo jalapeno that is not only longer than the standard jalapeno, but also wider, heavier, and hotter. Very vigorous plants are excellent producers of these 4 inch long peppers. Beautiful fruit ripen to red upon full maturity. 75 days.

From $3.45 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Jalapeno M Pepper

Fiery, thick-walled peppers grow 3 inches long and 1½ inches wide, with rounded tips. Dark green at first, then turning red. Good for fresh use or pickling; famous for nachos and other Tex-Mex dishes. 75 days.

From $2.95 for Pack (25 seeds)
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Carolina Reaper Pepper

Ranked as the hottest pepper in the world by Guinness, and registering at over 1,500,000 Scoville heat units, this is not a pepper for the timid. The fruit average 1.5 to 2 inches in length and have a nice fruity flavor if you are able to dilute the heat in your favorite dish to something you can eat. Fruit look like a bumpy little devil with a pointed tail. Reaper seeds are difficult to germinate and require a heating pad and thirty days just to sprout. 95 days. 

From $5.45 for Pack (10 seeds)
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Ancho San Luis Pepper

High-quality, uniform peppers are dark green, maturing to red, then mahogany. Mildly pungent peppers, 1,500 to 4,500 Scoville units, are 6 inches long and 3 inches wide. They are used fresh, but are also excellent for drying. 76 to 80 days.

From $2.95 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Ancho 101 Pepper

When fresh and still green, these mildly hot, heart-shaped peppers are stuffed and made into chiles rellenos. When mature they are dark rust red, richly flavored, and often dried and ground into chili powder. Peppers become 4 inches long, tapering to a blunt point. 76 to 80 days.

From $2.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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114 results