Fruit & Vegetable Seeds
Distinctly different from other Golden Queens commonly sold, this is from a strain obtained from the USDA seed bank, and is the original Golden Queen described by the seedsman Livingston in 1882. Tomatoes are 8 to 12 ozs. and yellow with a pronounced pink blush on the blossom end extending up towards the stem end. What makes this one better than the common solid yellow Golden Queen is its superior flavor. It is delicious, with a full tomato taste that is also sweet and most pleasant. Indeterminate. 75 days.
Large and luscious red beefsteak tomatoes grow on tall, potato-leaved plants. We got the stock seed for this variety from a 3 lb. tomato we bought at a farmer's market. The fruit was incredibly sweet and juicy, full of old-fashioned tomato flavor. Indeterminate. 85 days.
This very early variety bears loads of 2 to 4 oz. red fruit with terrific flavor normally found only in a huge beefsteak. The fact that its fruit is ripe up to a full month earlier than many beefsteak varieties makes Matina really special. Potato-leaved plants put on large clusters of abundant tomatoes, and even though they start early, continue to bear throughout a long season. Heirloom from Germany. Indeterminate. 58 days.
So named because the seed is originally from the Himalaya Mountains. Large, deep red tomatoes weigh about 12 ounces and have a high-quality, intense tomato flavor. Plants bear well even in cooler weather and mature earlier than most large-fruited types. Indeterminate. 80 days.
The first lemon yellow, not golden, tomato variety, and still one of the best. Extremely vigorous plants produce large harvests of attractive fruit that weighs 8 ozs. or more. Flavor is outstanding, mild and sweet yet tangy and definitely not bland. This one is easy to grow and understandably one of our most popular yellow tomatoes. Indeterminate. 72 days.
This full flavored heirloom variety from France produces large red beefsteaks with ribbed shoulders. Fruit is typically about 4 inches across, quite meaty, and smoothly textured. Very large crops of big, beautiful tomatoes. Indeterminate. 82 days.
This is a very old Russian variety bearing large pink oxheart-type tomatoes with excellent, sweet flavor. Strong plants produce abundantly, with some fruit growing to 2 lbs. and more. Indeterminate. 87 days.
Siberian variety that originated in the Altai Mountains on the Chinese border. Tall plants are heavy producers of 8 to 12 oz. pink-red beefsteak tomatoes. The flavor is sweet yet acidic and just delicious, with harvests continuing over an incredibly long season. Indeterminate. 67 days.
This heirloom beefsteak variety has flavor so excellent and rich that some folks claim it is equal to or better than Brandywine. Deep pink tomatoes weigh 12 to 16 ounces and are mostly smooth with very little cracking. Potato-leaved plants are vigorous and give good yields of these juicy and delicious tomatoes. Indeterminate. 75 to 85 days.
Better known as KBX, this is the potato-leaf version of Kellogg's Breakfast, which was propagated by Martha Hufford after she found them mixed in with her regular Kellogg's Breakfast plants. These bear the same large orange fruit with fabulous flavor and creamy delicate texture. Heirloom variety. Indeterminate. 80 days.
Taste the great flavor you have come to appreciate in First Prize, but expect a much earlier harvest. The "first early" fruit reach 4 to 7 ounces, and the indeterminate vines are productive over a long season. A good disease resistance package and plentiful harvests make this your choice for early maturity. Stake plants for best results. 56 days
This impressive tomato variety features an extremely vigorous, compact plant that sets a tremendous amount of blocky plum tomatoes. Extra-large fruit is perfect for canning or for cooking into delicious sauce or paste. While we've grown a lot of paste tomatoes, this one stands out for both the quality and quantity of its fruit. You just won't believe how hard this little tomato plant works. Widely adaptable plants will grow just about anywhere. Determinate. 75 days.