Fruit & Vegetable Seeds

794 results
Amanda Lettuce

The Amanda lettuce has a secret. Not only is this lettuce heat tolerant and productive, it also has a delicious buttery taste. This attractive bright green leaf lettuce is easy to grow, suitable for beginners and can even be grown in containers. 50 days.

$3.25 for Packet (300 seeds)
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Winterbor Hybrid Kale

A frost-tolerant kale that works well during the late fall harvest. The dark green leaves are easy to pick and the strong stalks bunch well. The frost tolerance gives it the ability to overwinter in many areas. 53-65 days.

From $3.75 for Packet (45-50 seeds)
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Starbor Hybrid Kale

A great-tasting kale that has a short stem and compact growth habit. You can harvest the entire plant at 12 to 17 inches, or pick as you would other kale plants for young tender leaves, or use continual picking of a small number of the bottom leaves each week during the cooler growing season. Very productive. Resists yellowing. 50-60 days.

From $3.75 for Packet (45-50 seeds)
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Rosemary Herb

Rosemary is an attractive herb that is perennial in zones 8-10 and annual in cooler regions. The leaves are used to flavor roasted vegetables, meats, roasted potatoes, soups, stews, and casserole dishes. Popular for plant sales. Sow generously, as rosemary seeds tend to have lower rates of germination. Drought tolerant.

$3.75 for Packet (85-100 seeds)
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Cosmos Dwarf Sensation Flower Mix

Heirloom Cosmos Dwarf Sensation Mix quickly produce beautiful bouquets of pink, cerise, and white flowers. The stalks reach 12 to 15 inches in height, then flower throughout the growing season. By growing such attractive flowers, you will invite beneficial insects like Monarch butterflies who will bring about a vibrant ecosystem to your garden. Grow these in full sun. 60-85 days.

From $3.75 for Packet (100 seeds)
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Felicity Hybrid Pepper

The Felicity hybrid produces jalapenos with real jalapeno flavor and no heat. The thick-walled fruit are 4 inches long, and weigh between 1 and 1 ½ ounces, maturing from green to red on a robust plant that can be harvested over many weeks. 75 days.

From $3.45 for Packet (10 seeds)
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Orange Spice Pepper

The Orange Spice is the hottest of the Spice peppers developed by Dr. Paul Bosland at New Mexico State University. The compact plants produce an abundance of spicy fruit that start dark green and mature to a fiery orange color. Flavors have hints of citrus and are described as fruity in salsas. But, of course, they are great in burritos, soups, or with guacamole. 7,000 to 8,000 scoville rating 75 days.

$3.85 for Packet (20 seeds)
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Pumpkin Spice Pepper

A jalapeno that offers a both fruity flavor, and mild to mid-level heat. Excellent productivity on 25-inch tall plants that produce 2-to-3-inch fruit ripens from green to brilliant orange. Perfect for adding color to a salsa, or for pickling, or stuffing to make popper jalapenos. Pungency increases as they mature to orange. Suitable for container gardening. 75-80 days.

$3.85 for Packet (20 seeds)
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Caloro Pepper

The Caloro pepper was developed by Paul Smith, at UC Davis. Named guero in Mexico, it is used for pickling and making hot sauce. It is grown throughout the Western US and Mexico. The fruit are 3 by 1 ½ inches, conical, and tapered to a point. They mature from yellow to brilliant red, but you can harvest either color and see which one you like. Pungency is around 5,000 Scovilles. 65 days.

$2.95 for Packet (15 seeds)
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Yummy Snack Orange Hybrid Pepper

Yummy Snack Orange hybrid pepper produces deliciously sweet, and crunchy fruit that are fun to eat. The fruit mature from emerald green to brilliant orange on a plant that continues to produce over the growing season. Pick the ripe fruit each morning and take them with you to snack on during the day! The fruit are 3 ¼ to 3 ¾ inches long, and 1 ¼ inches in width. There are few seeds and plenty of flavor in each bite. Due to the continued fruiting in most environments, plants benefit from support stakes. Well-suited for growing in containers of at least 3 ½ gallons. 65-75 days.

From $3.45 for Packet (15 seeds) $19.95
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Red Impact Hybrid Pepper

Get ready for Red Impact hybrid: a large 7x4 inch, 8 to 9 ounce pepper that has a touch of sweetness when green which develops to very sweet as it matures to a deep red color. The plants have plenty of productivity and won the All-America Selections National Award! Released by the creators of Giant Marconi, Red Impact blocks Tobamo virus, Pepper Mottle virus, Tobacco Etch virus, Bacterial Spot races -,1,2,3,4,7,8,9 and Root Knot nematodes. Don’t walk; run to get this treasure! 75 days.

From $3.45 for Packet (10 seeds)
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Candy Hybrid Onion

A very popular home garden onion due to mild pungency, a sweet flavor, and wide adaptability. We would normally call it a mid-day onion, but with extremely wide adaptability we'll say it's day-neutral as well. That means it will produce almost everywhere, except most southern and northern parts of the US. The beautiful golden skin covers white flesh that is perfect for eating on a sandwich, in stir-fry, or in just about anything that requires an onion. You can transplant or direct seed. Bulbs hold after harvest for a few months. Early maturity. 85 days.

From $3.49 for Packet (100 seeds)
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794 results